
View the Project on GitHub btnpushnmunky/tmr

Tmr - Simple job tracking timer to run from your terminal.

Tmr uses Python and an SQlite database to store your timed events. Tmr's only dependency outside of Python's stdlib is Peewee, an easy to use ORM. Written with Python 3.4 in mind, but it should work in most version 2.7+.

To install:

Download the source, cd into the source folder, and run pip install .. Eventually I hope to get it up on PyPI.

Example usage after installation:

tmr init

This will initialize and create your database. It only needs to be run once after installation. The database will be created in your User directory.

tmr start TITLE

This will start a timer with the title TITLE.

tmr end TITLE

This will end a timer with the title TITLE.

tmr list

This will list all running timers.

tmr export

This will export the timers to a csv file. By default, the file will be created in your User directory.